S&A Fee Guidelines

The guidelines on this page outline the process for establishing and allocating S&A Fees on all WSU campuses; a PDF version is also available.

A Spending Guide for Advisers, Staff and Students is provided by the WSU budget office. 

  • General Guidelines

    1. The term "services and activities fees" or “S&A fees” is defined to mean fees, other than tuition fees, charged to all students registering at a WSU campus. S&A fees fund student activities and programs at WSU. The fee is used to support non-academic student activities, programs, and projects. This fee enriches the student experience through funding for student government, entertainment, student organizations, speakers, facilities, and recreation (Chapter 28B.15.041 Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
    2. S&A fees are charged to all full-time and part-time students registering at a physical campus or via Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI) – Global Campus (Global). S&A Fees are charged based on registered credit hours. (RCW 28B.15.041)
    3. S&A fee rates and allocations must be approved by the Board of Regents (the Board) prior to implementation.
      1. The Board may approve rate increases not to exceed 4% annually. This restriction does not apply to that portion of the S&A fees previously committed to the repayment of bonded debt as authorized in RCW 28B.15.069. The Board may also approve rate decreases, as recommended by the S&A Fee Committee.
      2. Rate-setting action by the Board may cover a single year or multiple years.
      3. The S&A Fees Committees (described below) may recommend to the University President an S&A fees increase or decrease or the establishment of any new S&A fees. The President will convey the recommendation to the Board.
    4. S&A Fees may vary by campus.
      1. Each campus establishes its own committee and conducts its own S&A Fees process.
      2. The Board may, based on committee recommendations, establish new S&A fees for dedicated purposes at a single campus or group of campuses. Each campus may set its own S&A Rate based on committee recommendations.
      3. Each campus must submit its S&A Fees recommendations to the President through their Chancellor or Vice President to present to the Board for final approval.
    5. Allocations set by law.
      1. 4.0% is deducted from tuition and S&A fees for deposit into an institutional student financial aid fund (RCW 28B.15.820). Short-term loans and student aid in the form of grants are made from this fund.
    6. S&A Fees Committees
      1. An S&A Fees Committee shall be established for Washington State University Global, Everett, Pullman, Spokane, Tri-Cities and Vancouver.
      2. The Chancellors of Everett, Pullman, Spokane, Tri-Cities, Vancouver, and the Vice President of Academic Outreach and Innovation/Chancellor - Global Campus (AOI) shall appoint S&A Fees Committees for their respective units.
      3. Each campus S&A Fees Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Chancellor, both a recommended S&A fee rate and the recommended allocation of S&A fee revenue.
      4. Students shall hold a majority of the voting memberships on each committee. The student members shall represent diverse student interests and shall be recommended by the Associated Students of Washington State University (ASWSU) on each campus.
      5. The chairperson of each S&A Fees Committee shall be selected by the members of that committee, and the chairperson must be a student.
      6. All S&A Committee members should disclose any conflict of interest and/or committee affiliations with groups or individuals applying for S&A fees.
      7. Each campus will develop operating guidelines that are consistent with these general provisions.
    7. Allocating S&A fees revenue
      1. S&A fees allocations must be approved by the Board prior to implementation.
      2. The Board shall give S&A Fees Committee recommendations priority consideration while also honoring preexisting contractual obligations, bond covenant agreements, and stability for programs affecting students.
      3. Each campus S&A Fees Committee will submit a proposed budget to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their respective campus Chancellor, for allocating S&A fees revenue prior to the May Board Meeting.
      4. The proposed allocations will be based on estimates of S&A fees revenue provided by the WSU Budget Office. Each committee will adjust for additional S&A fee revenue, carry-forward and/or reserves to determine a total available budget allocation.
      5. Each S&A Fees Committee shall invite student groups and organizations to provide a written request and prepare a verbal presentation to request funds for the following academic year and summer session. This request shall include how a group communicates that S&A fees are being utilized to support their group’s events/services.
      6. The S&A Fees Committee will review each request and discuss the merits of each request and develop a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among the various programs. The S&A Fees Committee should also consider carry-forward and unspent allocations from the various programs.
      7. The S&A Fees Committees will provide recommendations to their Chancellor for approval, who will forward to the President for approval and presentation to the Board.
      8. After the Board’s approval, the University President, or designee, shall review the S&A Fees Committee proposed budget allocations, and publish a written response to the S&A Fees Committee. In the event there are areas of difference between the S&A Fees Committee proposed budget and the written response, the difference will be resolved as outlined in RCW 28B.15.045.
      9. When a new academic year begins, revenue transfers are made by the WSU Budget Office from a central account to accounts designated by each campus. Each group that receives an allocation of S&A fees revenue shall be subject to all applicable policies, regulations, and procedures of WSU, and the Budget and Accounting Act. (RCW 42.88)
      10. As the academic year progresses, the WSU Budget Office will compare budgeted revenue to actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast. The S&A Fees Committee may propose to the University President, through their Chancellor, supplemental allocations or reductions to previously approved allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount. The Board of Regents delegates to the University President the authority to make minor supplemental changes to the allocations for each campus not to exceed five percent (5%) of the campus total.
    8. WSU System Oversight Committee
      1. In service to the WSU system, the administrative representatives on the WSU Pullman S&A Fees Committee, as defined in “Composition and Tenure,” page 9, section 1(e), will serve in an oversight capacity for the general administration of S&A fees.
      2. General administration duties of the committee include reviewing applicable state laws and regulations to ensure WSU system compliance with applicable laws and rules. The oversight committee will make recommendations to update these S&A Fees Guidelines when necessary.
      3. The S&A oversight committee will determine a date to deliver the proposed budget allocations to the University President’s office for review. The University President, or designee, will later present the proposed budgets to the Board for approval at their May meeting of the Board.
  • WSU Global Campus

    S&A Fees Committee Operating Guidelines

    This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A Fees.

    Review and recommendation process:

    1. The WSU Global Campus S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early spring but may convene earlier or later if necessary. All committee meetings shall be held in a manner that provides public access.
      1. The members of the committee shall select a chair. The chair of the committee must be a student.
      2. The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
      3. The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Vice President of Academic Outreach and Innovation/Chancellor, Global Campus (Vice President) supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
    2. At subsequent meetings the Committee will be responsible for proposing to the Vice President, the University President, and the Board allocations of all S&A Fees paid by students.
      1. A timeline, presentation, and question and answer process will be approved.
      2. The Committee will announce the call for S&A Fee Requests. This announcement will be posted on websites (ASWSU-GC), appear in the Global Campus monthly email announcements, and be distributed on the Learning Center Listserv.
      3. Individuals and groups requesting funds will be required to present a budget request in the approved format for the following summer session and academic year via the approved online S&A Fees Committee request form by the deadline.
      4. The S&A Fees Committee reviews and discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among various groups including ASWSU-GC, established student services and programs, and other appropriate non-academic student service-related requests.
    3. Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Vice President, both a recommended S&A Fee rate and the recommended allocation of S&A Fee revenue.
    4. Accounting for all S&A Fees allocations will be managed by the administrator/advisor of the group receiving an allocation. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A Fees expenditures.

    Composition and Tenure:

    1. The Vice President shall appoint the Global Campus S&A Fees Committee as follows:
      1. Four Global Campus  students with one-year terms (nominated by ASWSU-GC)
      2. Business Operations Manager, or designee (standing position)
      3. Vice Chancellor, or designee (standing position)
      4. Academic Advisor, or designee (standing position)
    2. A vacancy in any Committee position will be filled prior to any formal Committee meeting.
    3. The chair is elected by the Committee from the student members.
    4. Voting members shall have one vote.
    5. A quorum shall consist of five members, a majority of whom shall be students.
  • WSU Everett

    S&A Fees Committee Operating Guidelines

    This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A Fees. This committee shall also propose allocations of any facilities funds necessary.

    Review and recommendation process:

    1. The Everett S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early spring semester but may convene earlier or later if necessary. All committee meetings shall be held in a manner that provides public access.
      1. The members of the committee shall select a chair. The chair of the committee must be a student.
      2. The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
      3. The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
    2. At subsequent meetings the Committee will be responsible for proposing to the Chancellor, the University President and the WSU Board of Regents, allocations of all S&A Fees paid by students.
      1. A timeline, presentation, and question and answer process will be approved.
      2. The Committee will announce the call for S&A Fee Requests. This announcement will be posted on websites (ASWSU-E) and sent out via email to students.
      3. Individuals and groups requesting funds will be required to present a budget request in the approved format for the following summer session and academic year via the approved online S&A Fees Committee request form by the deadline.
      4. The S&A Fees Committee reviews and discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among various groups including ASWSU-E, established student services and programs, and other appropriate non-academic student service-related requests.
    3. The Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Chancellor, both a recommended S&A Fee rate and the recommended allocation of S&A fee revenue.
    4. Accounting for all S&A Fees allocations will be managed by the administrator/advisor of the group receiving an allocation. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A Fees expenditures.

    Composition and Tenure:

    1. The Chancellor appoints the WSU-E S&A Fees Committee as follows:
      1. Four students with one-year positions (nominated by ASWSU-E).
      2. Fiscal Administrator, or designee (standing position).
      3. Vice Chancellor, or designee (standing position).
      4. Academic Advisor, or designee (standing position).
    2. A vacancy in any Committee position will be filled prior to any formal Committee meeting.
    3. The Committee elects the chair from the student members.
    4. Voting members shall have one vote.
    5. A quorum shall consist of five members, a majority of whom shall be students.
  • WSU Pullman

    S&A Fees Committee Operating Guidelines

    This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A Fees. This committee shall also propose allocations for facilities.

    Review and recommendation process:

    1. The S&A Fees Committee shall hold an organizational meeting during the fall semester. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the following administrative matters:
      1. Committee introductions.
      2. Provide overview of process.
      3. Conduct Open Public Meetings training.
      4. Discuss S&A timeline for the current academic year.
      5. Elect Committee Chairperson. Chairperson must be a student
      6. Other administrative issues as determined by the committee.
    2. The request process shall be completed during the spring semester:
      1. Administrative support shall schedule and execute S&A application process training. The purpose is to provide an overview of S&A Fees, important timelines, and the request format. Attendance is necessary to request funds.
      2. The Committee shall invite student organization representatives to present a budget request for the following summer session and academic year. Each student organization must submit a written request in the approved format and make an oral presentation to the S&A Fees Committee.
      3. The Committee will arrange to hold hearings for oral presentations and give adequate notice of impending hearings to the campus community through the Daily Evergreen or other communications media.
      4. After the presentations, the S&A Fees Committee discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among the various organizations.
    3. The Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Chancellor, both a recommended S&A Fee rate and the recommended allocation of S&A Fee revenue.
    4. Each group that receives an allocation of S&A Fees revenue will have an account maintained by the Controller’s Office. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A Fees expenditures.

    Composition and Tenure:

    1. The Chancellor shall appoint the Pullman Campus S&A Fees Committee as follows:
      1. ASWSU-P recommends five (5) undergraduate students. Each student will serve a one- year term. Undergraduates may serve multiple one-year terms with ASWSU-P recommendation.
      2. The ASWSU-P President and Vice-President shall be voting members of the committee.
      3. GPSA recommends two (2) graduate students with one-year terms. Graduate students may serve multiple one-year terms with GPSA recommendation.
      4. Faculty Senate recommends one (1) faculty member with a two-year term.
      5. A representative of the Chancellor’s office, the WSU Budget office, Finance and Administration, and Student Affairs.
    2. The chair is elected by the Committee from the student members.
    3. Each member shall have one vote. Staff committee members may be recused from voting if necessary to ensure student majority votes.
    4.  A quorum shall consist of seven members, a majority of whom shall be students.
    5. Members of the Committee that are affiliated with any group requesting funds must disclose this association in accordance of Section 6 (f) of the WSU General Guidelines. Committee members must recuse themselves from voting or offering supplemental information about funds request.
  • WSU Spokane

    S&A Fees Committee Operating Guidelines

    This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A fees. This committee shall also propose allocations of facilities funds.

    Review and recommendation process:

    1. The S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early spring semester but may convene earlier if necessary.
      1. A Chair shall be selected by the members of the committee. The chair of the committee must be a student.
      2. The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
      3. The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
    2. At subsequent meetings the Committee will be responsible for proposing to the Chancellor, the University President and the Board allocations of all S&A Fees paid by students.
      1. A timeline, presentation and question and answer process will be approved.
      2. The Committee shall invite individuals or groups requesting funds to present a budget request for the following summer session and academic year. Each group must submit a written request in the approved format and make an oral presentation to the S&A Fees Committee.
      3. The Committee will arrange to hold hearings for oral presentation and give adequate notice of impending hearings to the campus community through the ASWSU-S newsletter or other communications media.
      4. After the presentations, the S&A Fees Committee discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among the various groups.
    3. The Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Chancellor, both a recommended S&A Fee rate, including facilities, and the recommended allocation of S&A Fee revenue.
    4. Each group that receives an allocation of S&A Fees revenue will have an account maintained by the campus Budget and Finance Office. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A Fees expenditures.

    Composition and Tenure:

    1. The Chancellor shall appoint the Spokane Campus S&A Fees Committee as follows:
      1. Three undergraduate students with one-year terms (recommended by ASWSU-S). Students should be representative of the variety of academic programs on the campus.
      2. One Yakima-based student with a one-year term (recommended by ASWSU-S).
      3. Three graduate/professional students with one-year terms (recommended by ASWSU-S).
      4. One faculty member with a two-year term (solicited from faculty ranks).
      5. Director of Budget and Finance, or designee, and the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or designee.
    2. The chair is elected by the Committee from the student members.
    3. Each member shall have one vote.
    4. A quorum shall consist of eight members, a majority of whom shall be students.
  • WSU Tri-Cities

    S&A Fees Committee Operating Guidelines

    This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A Fees. This committee shall also propose allocations of facilities funds.

    Review and recommendation process:

    1. The S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early spring semester but may convene earlier or later if necessary.
      1. The members of the committee shall select a chair. The chair of the committee must be a student.
      2. The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
      3. The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
    2. At subsequent meetings the Committee will be responsible for proposing to the Chancellor, the University President and the Board allocations of all S&A fees paid by students.
      1. A timeline, presentation and question and answer process will be approved.
      2. The Committee shall invite individuals or groups requesting funds to present a budget request for the following summer session and academic year. Each group must submit a written request in the approved format and make an oral presentation to the S&A Fees Committee.
      3. The Committee will arrange to hold hearings for oral presentation and give adequate notice of impending hearings to the campus community through the University/ campus communication media.
      4. After the presentations, the S&A Fees Committee discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among the various groups, including ASWSU Tri-Cities, recognized clubs and other requests.
    3. The Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Chancellor, both a recommended S&A Fee rate and the recommended allocation of S&A Fee revenue.
    4. Each group that receives an allocation of S&A Fees revenue will have an account maintained by the campus Business Office. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A Fees expenditures.

    Composition and Tenure:

    1. The Chancellor shall appoint the Tri-Cities Campus S&A Fees Committee as follows:
      1. Three undergraduate students with one-year terms (nominated by ASWSU Tri-Cities).
      2. One currently enrolled graduate student nominated by ASWSU Tri-Cities in collaboration with GPSA.
      3. The current President of ASWSU Tri-Cities (standing position).
      4. The current Finance Director of ASWSU Tri-Cities (standing position).
      5. A member of the teaching faculty with a two-year term (nominations made by the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs).
      6. Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, or designee, and Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management and Student Services, or designee.
    2. A vacancy in any Committee position shall be filled prior to any formal Committee meeting.
    3. The chair is elected by the Committee from the student members.
    4. Each member shall have one vote.
    5. A quorum shall consist of seven members, a majority of whom shall be students.
  • WSU Vancouver

    S&A Fees Committee Operating Guidelines

    This committee shall have initial responsibility for proposing program priorities and budget levels for that portion of program budgets that are derived from S&A Fees. This committee shall also propose allocations for facilities.

    Review and recommendation process:

    1. The S&A Fees Committee holds an initial meeting in early February but may convene earlier if necessary.
      1. A chair shall be selected by the members of the committee. The chair of the committee must be a student.
      2. The WSU Budget Office will provide an update on actual revenue received and may revise the revenue forecast for the academic year.
      3. The S&A Fees Committee may recommend to the Chancellor supplemental allocations or reductions to allocations if actual revenue is expected to be significantly different from the budgeted amount.
    2. The Committee will:
      1. Develop a timeline for proposals and budget hearings.
      2. Invite individuals or groups requesting funds to present a budget request for the following summer session and academic year. Each group must submit a written request in the approved format by the established deadline and make an oral presentation to the S&A Committee.
      3. Arrange to hold hearings for oral presentation and give adequate notice of impending hearings to the campus community through the VanCougar or other communications media.
      4. After the presentations, the S&A Committee discusses the merits of each request and develops a budget, or allocation plan, that divides the estimated revenue among the various groups.
    3. Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s) request funds directly from ASWSU-V rather than the S&A Fees Committee. In rare instances (e.g., due to timing, amount of funds requested) an RSO may make a budget request directly to the S&A Fee Committee.
    4. The Committee is responsible for proposing to the University President and the Board of Regents, through their Chancellor, both a recommended S&A Fee rate and the recommended allocation of S&A Fee revenue.
    5. Each group that receives an allocation of S&A Fees revenue will have an account maintained by the campus Budget and Finance Office. A resource titled “Spending Your S&A Fee Allocation – A Guide for Advisers, Staff, Students,” is available online as an overview of the more important rules that apply to S&A Fees expenditures.

    Composition and Tenure:

    1. The Chancellor shall appoint the Vancouver Campus S&A Committee as follows:
      1. Four undergraduate students with one-year terms (recommended by ASWSU-V).
      2. One graduate student with a one-year term (recommended by ASWSU-V).
      3. ASWSU-V President or designee.
      4. One faculty member, with a two-year term (recommended by faculty organization).
      5. Vice Chancellor of Finance and Operations, or designee, and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, or designee.
    2. The chair is elected by the Committee from the student members.
    3. Each member shall have one vote.
    4. A quorum shall consist of six members, a majority of whom shall be students.