The S&A Fee Process

The S&A Fee is used to support nonacademic services that enrich the student experience. The term "S&A Fee" means fees, other than tuition fees, that are charged to all students who are registered for courses at the WSU Pullman campus. 

The fee is recommended annually by a committee comprised primarily of students and approved by the WSU Board of Regents. All students taking 10 or more credit hours pay the fee. The amount varies from year to year, depending on the recommendation from the S&A Fee Committee. 

For information on this year’s fee and allocations, see the S&A Fees homepage

  • Process Overview

    The S&A Fee process takes several months and generally follows these steps: 

    • S&A Fee Committee reviews requests submitted by campus groups 
    • Based on those requests, the committee decides on a recommended fee and allocations (proposals may not be fully funded based on committee deliberations and anticipated revenue)
    • The committee presents its recommendations to WSU president 
    • The Board of Regents approves or rejects the recommendations 
  • Who Can Submit Funding Requests

    Funds requested through the S&A Fee process must be used to support non-academic student activities, programs, and projects on the WSU Pullman campus.  

    All recognized Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are eligible to request funds. Nonacademic departments and facilities may also request funding. 

  • How Funding Requests Work

    Groups must submit a funding request each year they wish to receive an S&A Fee allocation. Requests are due in early spring (see the timeline below for more details). 

    To submit a funding request, a representative from a group must attend an S&A Fee request training session. The one-hour training session provides groups with: 

    • The timeline for the S&A request process 
    • Detailed instructions on submission materials 
    • Access to the allocation proposal templates 

    Training sessions for 2024 are complete. Please contact Axis Zarcone, or 509-335-7070, with any questions. 

    Each proposal for funding must include the completed budget request template (provided at the training) and a narrative cover sheet detailing the requesting group's mission and the scope of its impact on students. Once the proposal and budget request forms have been completed, groups must upload them to the S&A Fee SharePoint site

    Upon submission, groups schedule a presentation with the S&A Fee Committee through Axis Zarcone, Presentation time blocks are limited to 15 minutes, inclusive of the presentation and time for questions from the committee. The presentation must be given by students, and a faculty advisor must be present. 

  • Next Steps

    Once the committee has made its allocation decision for each proposal (note that proposals may or may not be fully funded), it determines the total allocation for the WSU Pullman campus. From that number, it generates the proposed S&A Fee amount per student. 

    The committee then presents the S&A Fee and funding allocation recommendations to the WSU Pullman chancellor, who brings the recommendations to the university president. The president provides that information to the Board of Regents, which reviews the committee’s recommendations and either approves or rejects them. 

    If approved by the Board of Regents, the fee and allocations are enacted for the following academic year. If there is a difference between the recommended allocations and the written response from the Regents, the difference will be resolved as outlined in RCW 28B.15.045

    See the Guidelines page for more information about the approval process.

  • 2024-2025 Hearing Information

    The S&A Fee Committee will hold meetings in spring 2024 to hear presentations from groups requesting allocations. Presentation dates are:

    • March 5, 2024, 4:30-8 p.m. | CUB 204 (Senate Room) and Zoom
    • March 7, 2024, 4:30-8 p.m. | CUB L60 (Butch's Den) and Zoom
    • March 19, 2024, 4-6 p.m. | CUB 204 (Senate Room) and Zoom
    • March 21, 2024, 4-8 p.m. | CUB 204 (Senate Room) and Zoom
    • March 22, 2024, 4-8 pm. | CUB 204 (Senate Room) and Zoom

    If you need additional information, please contact Axis Zarcone, or 509-335-4531.

  • General S&A Fee Timeline

    Fall: New committee member orientation and S&A fund request updates. 

    January: Committee meets to conduct brief overview, review expectations, and determine schedule. 

    February: S&A request training for groups seeking allocations. 

    Early March: Funding requests due.  

    Late March: Committee conducts initial review of all requests. 

    Late March: Groups present material to committee for consideration and committee conducts deliberations to decide S&A Fee rate and S&A Fee allocations. 

    Early April: Committee presents recommended fee and allocation of funds to Pullman chancellor, who, in turn, brings the recommendations to the university president. The president provides the information to the WSU Board of Regents. 

    Early May: Board of Regents reviews committee recommendation and approves or rejects fee and allocation. 

    May: University president approves new committee members.